Adjusting for a solar or wind shape

1 min. readlast update: 08.29.2024

We adjust the 24/7 value according to the generation profile of the given solar or wind asset.

A generation profile, also known as a "renewables shape" or "12x24", describes how much and when a renewable facility is expected to generate.

It is commonly represented by a P50 12x24 table, where each cell includes the average amount of energy expected to be produced in each hour (1-24) of each month (1-12) over the course of the PPA.  “P50” means there is a 50% chance the given asset will produce at least at the levels shown. Below is an example of a 100 MW solar shape.

For our PPA price methodology, we create generic solar and wind shapes for each delivery point (North, West, Houston, and South) by aggregating marketplace data.

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